Real Stories
January 2024

Nickolas Crim Embraces Independence with CrowdHealth

Meet Nickolas Crim – a husband, dad, and imaginative entrepreneur who's also a seasoned member of CrowdHealth. He sat down with us to talk about how CrowdHealth played a pivotalrole in his journey from an unfulfilling corporate gig to running his own business with a diverse set of clients and exploring the globe with his family.

Nick's story begins in the world of health insurance brokering, a job he picked for its stability. "It was alright for security, but I was itching to do something more, something creative," he tells us. Leveraging his self-taught design and web development skills, Nick leaped into the uncertain yet exciting world of freelancing.

Of course, leaving the corporate world for entrepreneurship isn't a walk in the park, especially when it comes to healthcare considerations.

From false security to a better solution in CrowdHealth

Nick's introduction to CrowdHealth happened quite serendipitously while he was still in his corporate role, hosting a healthcare-focused podcast. An interview with Andy Schoonover, the mind behind CrowdHealth, was an eye-opener.

CrowdHealth's approach to healthcare – straightforward, pay-as-you-go for services, with anything over $500 submitted to the Crowd for funding – was just what Nick was looking for. It echoed his desire for a hassle-free healthcare experience. "Being cash-pay means handling healthcare costs upfront. No surprises, no hidden bills. That simplicity is liberating," he explains.

In his freelance business, Nick has discovered a more robust sense of job security through diversification. Working with multiple clients at once means he isn't overly reliant on any single income source – a practical safety net if one gig doesn't pan out.

CrowdHealth, in Nick's view, mirrors this diversified approach. It's not about putting all your healthcare eggs in one insurance company's basket. Instead, CrowdHealth relies on a broad, community-based model. Members chip in predefined amounts for healthcare costs, spreading the risk and creating a sturdier safety net for those bigger bills.

Modern health insurance wasn’t built for independent entrepreneurs

Nick questions if relying on large corporations and government plans for solutions is really necessary in the first place.

"Perhaps it's not a bad idea to be more self-sufficient and use technology to better our lives," he suggests. Nick appreciates alternatives that operate outside traditional systems. Like freelancing, these alternatives allow for independence from large companies.

His own entrepreneurial journey has been life-changing, and he’s excited about where it's taking him. He sees many peers and friends wanting to start their own ventures but often held back by the challenge of securing health insurance. "For many, the big question of securing health insurance is a major barrier to entrepreneurship," he notes.

Nick’s transition from a secure corporate role to embracing self-reliance was an eye-opener. His experience in the tech sector exposed him to the volatile nature of corporate employment, characterized by cycles of hiring and layoffs. "The traditional narrative pushes us to believe that a stable job and conventional health insurance are indispensable for a secure life. However, that’s not always the case," he muses.

This realization nudged him towards alternative solutions like CrowdHealth, reshaping his approach to healthcare and employment.

“CrowdHealth is another tool in the toolbox”

Initially, Nick perceived freelancing and opting for CrowdHealth as risky moves. However, these choices have since proven to be liberating and financially sensible. "Embarking on freelancing and joining CrowdHealth felt like leaps of faith, but they've been incredibly rewarding and financially prudent. CrowdHealth, for me, is an indispensable component in my arsenal of tools," Nick shares.

He views CrowdHealth as a catalyst for change and self-reliance. "Life’s unpredictable nature, be it in education or healthcare, calls for adaptability. I prefer keeping my options open," he states. This adaptability is particularly vital as he considers his family’s future, including educational choices. CrowdHealth’s flexible nature is a perfect fit for Nick's dynamic lifestyle. "It suits our present needs without binding us indefinitely," he adds.

Being a cash-pay patient isn’t new

Nick was already familiar with the cash-pay model in healthcare before discovering CrowdHealth. He recognized an established market focused on providing alternatives to ineffective traditional insurance. Cash-pay, often preferred by both doctors and patients, offers a streamlined approach to healthcare.

Nick advises those considering CrowdHealth to understand that cash-pay, central to CrowdHealth's model, is not a novel concept. "Opting for cash-pay isn’t a radical choice. Many healthcare providers actually prefer it, as it bypasses insurance complications. It empowers you as a patient," he explains.

In Nick's view, clinging to a singular perspective is restrictive in a constantly evolving world. He regards CrowdHealth as an essential tool that enables him to manage healthcare efficiently and concentrate on living his life to the fullest.

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